It seems to have been an intensive time for a lot of people this year, myself included. So much has happened and the first thing to suffer is my health. We all want a healthy lifestyle and most of us know what we should do to achieve it. If only it were that easy…

The good news is, if you want your lifestyle to be a little bit healthier, you are in the perfect place! Below, there are five practical lifestyle tips that should improve your day-to-day life and leave you feeling better both physically and mentally. They are small changes that may not make a huge difference straight away, but you will see a difference over time.
Exercise - This is number one for me, not because I’m a fitness fanatic but because it’s helped me the most. My diet couldn’t change until the exercise part of my life changed. Personally, I’m not a fan of going to the gym but some kind of sports do pique my interest. There are a number of sports or martial arts you could try whether you join a class or do it at home. Try out different things and see what you actually enjoy. There’s no point doing something for the sake of doing it. Every day should count and we should do the things that are important to us. Yes, there may be days that you don’t want to exercise, but if you find something you enjoy, it shouldn’t be too difficult. If you currently aren’t doing any exercise, start out with five or ten minutes of stretching in the morning or evening. Then you can build up to some simple exercises that you can do while you’re watching a TV show. The best piece of advice I’d received is that you should try and start a new habit when it connects to an already existing one. Equally, it’s a good idea to try and stick to a routine (which is where attending a class can be helpful). Pick a day and a time and try and stick to it for a month or two. That structure should keep you motivated and the good news is, most people feel better after exercising.
Socialise - As much as others may annoy us, we are, at the end of the day, social creatures. We all need someone we can talk to, and people that we can find common interests with. The older you get, the harder it is to find and connect with new people as our lives usually stay in the same cycle. However, if we start up a new hobby (or a new sport), it gives us the opportunity to meet like minded people. These people could become lifelong friends or they could be people you see once a week; either way, it’s likely to be a pleasant experience. If you have friends, try and arrange a regular social activity whether it’s visiting a new place, going for a meal, playing games, etc. Having dedicated time with family or friends helps to make socialising a part of your day-to-day life.
Cleanliness - Tidy space, tidy mind… The more clutter there is in a space, the less clearly we can think. It feels overwhleming and obviously, the more clutter there is, the more challenging it is to clean a space thoroughly. Dust and dust mites can cause a huge problem for people and it can lead to respiratory difficulties. There are so many benefits to having a tidy space. If you don’t have a lot of room, it may be time to part with some possessions. See what you can give to charity, what you can sell, etc. Everything in your home, should have a dedicate place that it lives. That is crucial for being able to have clutter free zones. Having a weekly cleaning routine can also be therapeutic. Practice a little bit of mindfulness as your dusting/hoovering or listen to your favourite songs. Enjoy the task at hand rather than viewing it as a chore.
Relaxation - We all need time to unwind. It may seem like an obvious thing and most of us consider it ‘relaxing’ when we get home and put something on the TV. Don’t get me wrong, that can be relaxing, but we also need something that really allows us to be peaceful. A few examples may be having a long bath with candles, lights and music or going for a massage. Relaxation can be going for a gentle walking and then sitting on a bench, just observing nature. It also means having a relaxing routine before bed. That would ideally involve no phones or TV, but rather some meditation or listening to music or reading a relaxing book. Having this relaxing routine before bed should improve your sleep hygiene which overall will leave you feeling better. As for the other moments of relaxation, we need them as a way to combat the stressors that we face in our day to day lives.
Diet - I’ve put this one last as it is my least favourite, but it is crucial in living a healthier lifestyle. Firstly, you want to cut out as much processed sugar as you can. Avoid the sweets and treats where sugar is listed in the top three ingredients. The more you have of it, the more you will want. Instead, opt for some fruit. It still has sugar but at least it’s natural. Aim for having at least one proper meal a day where it is freshly cooked/prepared and is packed with vegetables. I’ve found that aiming for three healthy meals a day feels overwhelming, so start small and build from there. Snacking is fine, but again try to avoid ultra-processed foods. Nuts can be eaten instead of crisps, kale can be eaten instead of biscuits, dried fruit can be eaten instead of sweets, etc. The better your diet, the better you will feel.
The biggest motivator for making these healthy changes as that we want to enjoy life. We don’t want to be held back because of our physical wellbeing. The older we get, the longer it takes us to recover from things so we need to do our best to look after ourselves. Each habit that you implement should be easy enough for you to stick to. If it feels too much, have a look at how you can modify it. Maybe you prefer going to the gym rather than exercising at home. Maybe you’ve found a friend that you can cook with rather than cooking alone. Maybe your version of relaxation is painting and being creative rather than sitting in silence. At the end of the day, this is about help YOU. Enabling you to feel as healthy as you possibly can in the most realistic way.