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Things To Do On A Rainy Day

Writer: Theo Theo

As we are well into our summer holidays, we want to enjoy they nice weather. We make loads of plans and most of us have a list of things we will do when it gets to summer. However, now that we are in the middle of August, that means that autumn is fast approaching. Not only that, but in the UK, we have some pretty bad weather heading our way. So what can we do on the not so nice days?

Raindrops on glass
Photo by Gabriele Diwald on Unsplash

Firstly, let’s start with the things we can do with friends:

  • Go to a shopping centre (They are usually indoors and give you loads of different options. Even if you don’t have money to spend, you can still have a walk and a look around. It’s all about spending time with your friends anyway.)

  • Play board games (If you’re friends can come round, it may be nice to play board games together. It may sound childish but it can be good fun. Try Cranium, Taboo or maybe Mr & Mrs.)

  • Play video games (If you’re friends can’t come round and you have a games console, it may be nice to play multiplayer games together. Time flies and it can be good fun)

  • Have a pamper day (This could either be at a spa or at home if you can’t get in on short notice. Treat yourself to some luxury, maybe a massage, new nails, face treatments etc.)

  • Go to an indoor adventure centre (These are becoming increasingly popular and there are a few around the UK. If you feel like doing something active, these are a great option.)

  • Go to a sea life centre (Aquariums are usually indoors and you don’t have to book so it can be a nice place to go and see some aquatic creatures)

  • Go to a museum (These can be interesting and are often overlooked but it can be fun with friends and it’s a good place to go on a rainy day.)

  • Go to an art gallery (Similar to museums, these can be a good option. In cities, their are often a few contemporary galleries as well as classical ones and it’s interesting to see a wide variety of artwork, as well as finding out what they are worth.)

  • Go ice skating (These are usually indoors and are usually good fun with friends.)

  • Go to the cinema/ have a movie marathon (If there are new films you want to see then then cinema is a great option. If not, you could gather at someones house and make a day of watching films. It’s great fun to watch, chat and eat snacks without limits.)

Now let’s move on to the things that you can do if you’re by yourself, stuck at home and you’re not sure how to entertain yourself on a rainy day:

  • Learn to play an instrument (If you have access to an instrument, now would be a great time to spend some time and try to learn something you always wanted.)

  • Have a movie marathon (Make a day of watching films or a film series. Get yourself some snacks, shut the curtains and make yourself comfortable.)

  • Read a book (Often we don’t have time to fit in reading in our daily lives. Rainy days are the perfect opportunity to make time, sit down and read a book that has been sitting on your shelf for a while.)

  • Draw or colour (This is great for relaxing as well. Having time on your hands means that you can be creative. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, it’s just good to explore your creative side with no pressure.)

  • Write a story (Another form of being creative. Try writing a story or a poem or a song. It doesn’t have to be good but just sitting and writing is great for the development of our brain.)

  • Take up yoga or some other exercise (Yoga is another great way of relaxing so it may be good to do that inside whilst the weather is bad. You could also have a go at an exercise DVD if you’ve had it lying around your home.)

  • Re-decorate (This is assuming the weather is bad for a while and you have a lot of time. You could redecorate your room or add some new features, pictures etc.)

  • De-clutter (A rainy day is the perfect time to have a tidy around the house. Throw away the old stuff and organise the things you want to keep. A tidy home equals a tidy mind.)

  • Bake some treats (Baking can be quite therapeutic so give it a try. Bake something new that you’ve wanted to try and then enjoy it afterwards.)

  • Tick off some household tasks (Most of us have a list of things we need to do, but we seldom have time to tick them off. Making use of the time we have because of bad weather is a great way to get those things done.)

There are so many things that we can do but we often forget about them because of their simplicity. Hopefully the things mentioned here will be of interest to you and if not, maybe they can trigger another idea of something else you’d like to do.

The rain doesn’t have to dampen our spirits and we should be able to make the most of every single day in our lives. It may even be worth to give yourself a full relaxation day when the weather is bad. We often pack so many things in our life we forget to slow down. Give yourself time and take care of your mental health. Do things that make you happy and are good for you.



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